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Federal Courts

Maine DUIs that occur on federal property are heard in one of Maine’s two Federal Courts. Typically, federal DUI cases in Maine occur in Acadia National Park in Hancock County and are prosecuted in the Federal Court in Bangor. If you have been charged with OUI operating under the influence or DWI driving while intoxicated on federal land, contact Maine OUI lawyer John S. Webb.

John has 20 years experience in federal and state courts. Attorney Webb has successfully handled many criminal cases where he was able to challenge blood alcohol content test results, and the soundness of roadside field sobriety tests. Mr. Webb will also represent you if you were arrested for driving under the influence of drugs, either illegal drugs or prescription medicine.

United States Federal District Courts Maine United States District Court for the District of Maine – Bangor

202 Harlow Street.
Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 945-0575
Bangor ME Federal Court

United States District Court for the District of Maine – Portland

156 Federal Street
Portland, Maine 04101
Portland ME Federal Court

Passamaquoddy Tribal Court Pleasant Point Division

P.O. Box 343
Perry, ME 04667

Indian Township Division

P.O. Box 301
Princeton, ME 04668
207-796-2301 ext.212

Client Reviews
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