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Maine Burglary Charges: Burglary Lawyer in Southern ME

You Need a Skilled Criminal Defense Lawyer Near Me to Defend You Against the Allegation of Burglary!

You have certain rights that cannot be taken away from you even if you are charged with and arrested for a crime. It does not depend on the crime — your constitutional rights remain the same. If you are charged with burglary, you need an attorney who will fight back against the charge and work diligently to avoid a conviction.

Maine Criminal Defense Attorney John Scott Webb of the Webb Law Firm is that attorney. Vincent S. LoConte, the law firm near me has the experience, resources, and skills necessary to investigate your criminal burglary charges. Then, our three Maine felony attorneys near me develop a defense strategy that will give you the best chance to mitigate the consequences of a conviction – or dismiss the charge completely.

Contact the Webb Law Firm by calling (207) 283-6400 24 hours a day, seven days a week to schedule your free lawyer consultation near me with an experienced Saco or Portland criminal defense attorney in southern Maine.

How is Burglary Defined in Maine? A prison cell from outside perspective

Burglary is governed by Maine criminal statutes. A person is guilty of the crime of burglary if that person “enters or surreptitiously remains in a structure knowing that that person is not licensed or privileged to do so, with the intent to commit a crime therein.”

Burglary in Maine is a Class C crime that carries a fine of up to $5,000, up to five years in prison, and up to two years of probation. However, there are five statutory elements of the crime that can enhance the maximum sentence structure.

  • Use of a Firearm – If you use a firearm to commit burglary or you have an accomplice who you know has a firearm, a conviction will be as a Class A crime.
  • Inflicting Bodily Injury – If you inflict bodily injury or attempt to inflict bodily injury while committing burglary or fleeing from a burglary, a conviction will be as a Class B crime.
  • Dangerous Weapon Other Than a Firearm – Using a dangerous weapon other than a firearm or having an accomplice who uses a dangerous weapon other than a firearm elevates burglary to a Class B crime.
  • A Dwelling Place – If the location of the burglary is a dwelling place, a conviction for burglary will be as a Class B crime.
  • Multiple Convictions – If you have two or more prior convictions for burglary or for engaging in substantially similar conduct, these convictions elevate burglary to a Class B crime.

The punishment for a Class B crime is up to 10 years in prison, up to three years of probation, and up to $20,000 in fines. The punishment for a Class A crime is up to 30 years in prison, up to four years of probation, and up to $50,000 in fines.

Additional Charges and Penalties That Accompany a Burglary Conviction

Burglary is a crime in and of itself in Maine. As discussed above, you can be charged with and found guilty of the act of burglary if you enter a structure with the intent to commit a crime. You can be found guilty of burglary even if you do not commit the crime. You only need to have the “intent” of committing a crime. The crime can be any offense which is defined as a crime under Maine’s Revised Statutes.

In addition to burglary, you can be charged with the crime you committed during the burglary. For example, if you are breaking into someone’s home or a retail establishment to steal property, you can be charged with theft. A theft conviction would carry its own punishment based on the amount of the property stolen.

For example, if you steal less than $500 worth of property, you face up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. However, if the value of the property you steal is more than $1,000 but less than $10,000, the punishment increases to up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

If you are charged with burglary and any additional crime, you can be convicted of one or both crimes and face the punishments for each crime. This additional conviction could substantially increase the amount of time you are in prison and the fines and probation you face.

Contact an Experienced Burglary Criminal Defense Attorney in Saco and Portland
Top-Rated Saco Criminal Defense Attorneys

Maine criminal defense attorney John Scott Webb represents clients in southern Maine. You deserve a criminal defense lawyer who is willing to put forth the effort to ensure you receive the most favorable result possible in your case. Contact the Webb Law Firm by calling (207) 283-6400, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You may also contact Attorney John S. Webb by using our convenient online form and then speak to a criminal defense attorney near me in southern Maine.

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