OUI Attorneys in Maine: Difference between OUI-DUI?
OUI in Maine is the acronym for drunk driving or drugged driving (for alcohol or drugs). In discussing drunk driving laws, Americans are more familiar with the most common acronym, "DUI," since it dominates the news media's articles and Google search terms for the crime of intoxicated driving or impaired driving. Throughout this article the acronyms OUI vs DUI will be used interchangeably.
In Maine, our state's acronym is "OUI" for operating under the influence. The more common acronym, DUI, stands for "driving under the influence," and is used in almost 35 states, exclusively. Regardless of how you abbreviate the crime of DUI, it is BIG legal trouble.
You can be arrested on a drunk driving charge with no warning. Yes, in the blink of an eye, you are driving home after an evening out with your friends, and you suddenly see flashing lights. You must then pull over to the side of the road, where officers are trained to look for (and smell for) operating a motor vehicle under the influence (OUI) violations.
After smelling alcohol or questioning the driver to uncover if under the influence of drugs, the police officer wants to test your sobriety under Maine OUI laws. You have no opportunity to contact criminal lawyers nearby. In the Pine Tree State, the criminal offense of OUI (operating under the influence) carries very stiff loss of driver license implications, and the mandatory installation of a DUI interlock on every vehicle you plan to drive.

You need a smart Saco Maine criminal attorneys near me to fight back against a very serious criminal charge that can haunt you for a long time. In 100% of our cases our under the influence OUI attorneys offer a FREE consultation. Plus, although 90% or more of arrests are for (D.U.I.) driving under the influence of alcohol, our lawyers near me are also trained on how to fight OUI-drugs (OUID) charges.
The mere thought of it can be harrowing. Therefore, you need effective legal representation without delay if you have been arrested on a DWI-DUI-OUI charge. In Maine, these terms are interchangeable, and you should not feel confused, because the implication remains the same: you have been caught driving under the influence, but you can also be arrested even if you NOT over the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit.
Immediately Contact Southern Maine's Best OUI LawyersGenerally, DUI-OUI charges do not entail stakeouts or DUI checkpoint investigations. Fortunately, for our law firm near me, a trial is rare. Yet, many people do not think that they can win their case by hiring DUI defense attorneys with top lawyer ratings.
Some just try to get a public defender or handle it themselves. Despite our FREE lawyer consultation, they do not call an OUI lawyer upon their arrest. This is a BIG MISTAKE.
A driver convicted of a Maine DUI will lose driving privileges and must serve mandatory jail time, when a DUI refusal of the chemical test of breath or blood has happened, unless your attorneys for OUI can beat the case. To appeal the administrative license suspension within 30 days of your arrest is your hard deadline.

The first thing you should be doing is asking people at the jail for your phone call and call us at Webb Law Firm. At the Webb Law group, our four legal advocates are a team of experienced DUI vs OUI criminal defense lawyers with nearly 35 years of collective criminal law results and are litigators who specialize in this area of the law. When you are arrested in southern Maine, get help from a criminal lawyer near me with a winning track record.
In southern Maine, we have two law offices near me that are convenient for most Mainers. Plus, since the Pandemic of 2020, our attorneys for OUI can virtually "meet" with you. Whichever way you select, our Maine lawyers will provide aggressive representation for people:
- Arrested on a DUI-DWI-OUI charge;
- Involved in a drunk driving accident, with a serious personal injury or fatality to another person; or
- Reprimanded for refusal to take the breathalyzer test (OUI refusal)
Regardless of the charges, you have rights, and we at Webb Law can protect you. But you must understand that the case is not over when you are charged. In fact, the charge will go on your permanent record and the next time you are pulled over for drunken driving, you could be facing serious jail time, and your driving privileges may be suspended.
At Webb Law Firm, we analyze and understand the circumstances of your case and fight aggressively to have your charges decreased or completely dropped. We negotiate with the prosecuting attorney, and if the case goes to trial, we are skilled at orating in the courtroom, putting forth your narrative in the court of law and giving you the best possible chance of acquittal.

Be wary because even your first OUI/DWI/DUI charge can lead to jail time. With us by your side, you can rest assured your case will be fought strongly, with a focus on preventing your driving privileges from being revoked. We assure you your rights will be fully protected.
Regardless of the circumstances of your case, if you have to win, don't want to go to jail, or feel you have been wrongly accused of OUI/DWI/DUI, contact the experienced OUI/DWI/DUI defense lawyers at Webb Law Firm without delay. With our nearby offices in Saco and Portland, why not call today? 207-283-6400.
Criminal justice attorney John Webb and his other three skilled criminal defense attorneys nearby in Portland and Saco are well-known for tenacious criminal defense. In addition to Super Lawyer best criminal attorney John Webb, Vincent LoConte and Nicole Williamson work as a team to nail down the best drunk driving defense for your particular case.