For a law enforcement officer to stop you, they must have a “reasonable articulable suspicion” that criminal activity is underway. One issue that gives rise to being stopped is a little known requirement that motorists move over when they see emergency flashing lights on or adjacent to the highway. You’re…
Southern Maine Criminal Lawyer Blog
John Webb Speaks at NCDD Summer Session
I am proud to report that this past weekend I was a Demonstration Speaker and Group Instruction Team member at the Summer Session of the National College of DUI Defense, July 26th to the 28th, hosted by Dean George Stein and held at Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massachusetts.…
Canada allows entry if you have a DUI conviction.
For years I have advised clients that a single DUI will bar entry into Canada for ten years and two convictions will bar you for life. Starting March 1, 2012, some of that will change. Immigration Canada has bowed to pressure from the Canadian tourist industry and has modified Canada…
Why you need a DUI specialist lawyer
Many people I talk to think a DUI is something any lawyer can handle. As an experienced DUI specialist lawyer I can tell you that is not true. I have many hours of specialized training that most lawyers do not have. The following case is a good example of why…
GPS Tracking Devices – SCOTUS Decision
The 4th Amendment has been resuscitated!! Hopefully you recall back in September of 2010, I wrote about GPS tracking devices and a recent decision from the District of Columbia Circuit (“GPS Tracking Devices – A Warrant or Not A Warrant – That is Now the Question”). Well, on Monday we…
Supreme Court limits invasions of privacy
This week the Supreme Court, in United States v. Jones, ___ US ___ (2012), decided that placing a GPS on a person’s car and tracking to movements is a search that requires a warrant. This is an important decision for several reasons. First, changes in modern technology make it easier…
I Got a DUI-OUI-DWI – Now What?
If you get a DUI it is very important that you get a good DUI lawyer right away. If you wait, the chances of losing the case and losing your license get much, much worse. You may lose the chance to fight your license suspension if you wait too long. …
Changing a gun law won’t save lives
In yesterday’s paper there was an article about a shooting in Mt. Rainier National Park. There was a tragedy in the park. A young man, believed to be Benjamin Colton Barnes, had severe mental problems – possibly PTSD from service in Iraq. He shot several people near Seattle on New…
State of Maine v. D. Offense: Gross Sexual Assault
Defense Attorney: John Scott Webb, Esq. Offense: Gross Sexual Assault, Class A, 32 Counts; Unlawful Sexual Contact, Class C, 33 Counts Maximum Sentence: 30 years with respect to each Class A Count; 5 Years with respect to each Class C Count; (a total of 1,125 years) Client was exposed to…
State of Maine v. J.A. Offense: OUI
Defense Attorney: John Scott Webb, Esq. Offense: Operating Under the Influence (OUI, DUI, DWI) Maximum Sentence: 364 days in jail Synopsis: Client was traveling through an intersection on a cold winter night, and drew the attention of a police officer sitting at the intersection with his window down. The officer…