
Maine Law – Fake IDs and Underage Alcohol Purchases

Portland and Saco Maine Underage Alcohol and Fake ID Lawyers John Webb, Vincent LoConte, and Nicole Williamson defend college students and their families in tough underage drinking cases.

As summer officially begins, many young adults will find themselves home for the summer or preparing to leave for college for the first time. Of course, college is a place where freedom abounds and, often, this new-found freedom results in an urge to party. This naturally leads some kids to be tempted to purchase alcohol, in order to liven up their nightlife. While for the older collegiate this may be perfectly acceptable, trouble arises when underage students use all too prevalent and easily computer-generated fake IDs.

Maine Fake ID and Underage Possession Penalties

Although most that do so are vaguely aware of some level of risk associated with the presentation of false identification, few realize the serious civil violations that could be facing them should they be discovered. Maine Title 28-A § 2051 stipulates that possessing a fake ID can, as a minor, net you a $200 to $400 fine for a first offense, $300 to $600 for a second, and a guaranteed $600 for the third. In fact, providing any false written or oral evidence (even without having a fake ID) in an attempt to either purchase alcohol as a minor or enter an establishment where minors are forbidden (e.g. a club) can cause you to face the same fines as if you did have a fake I.D., plus (at the judge’s discretion) possible community service.

A Fake ID Conviction Will Haunt You For Years

College-going pupils should be more than intelligent enough to figure this one out: trying to pass yourself off as being over 21 is a plain bad idea. It should also be plainly obvious that if you are charged with any of the above, it’s in your best interest to have superb legal representation as soon as possible. Above all, remember to play it smart and play it safe, lest you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to pay legal fees as well as student loans. Do you really want to explain this embarrasing arrest to a potential employer?

Criminal justice attorney John Webb and his other three skilled criminal defense attorneys nearby in southern Maine focus our legal services on criminal defense. In addition to Super Lawyer best criminal attorney John Webb, Vincent LoConte and Nicole Williamson are trained to assert all of your legal rights and raise all viable defenses.

Your aggressive representation begins with an initial, FREE consultation with one of our criminal defense attorneys. If needed, ask us about our legal fee payment plans, too. After thousands of successful cases, we know what it will take to cover your criminal case.

Call the Webb Law Firm at (207) 283-6400 for your initial free consultation. When it a FREE call, what are you waiting for?

Other Helpful Information

Maine OUI Laws

Maine Age of Consent

Posted in: DUI